Sunday, July 24

Dental Tourism

Some of you may wonder about Dental Tourism, the newest modification in acquiring Dental Care.
What is Dental Tourism???

Dental Tourism means traveling abroad for affordable dental care, dental treatments, dental procedures or dental surgeries which are generally expensive in one's own country.
People who do not have dental insurance benefits confront problems when in need of dental care. To these people traveling to discover a new world and aquiring the treatments for high quality and low cost, would be the perfect alternative for high cost treatment in their own countries.

Mouawad Dental Clinic is working on providing these options for foreigners to visit Lebanon, get the full taste of the middle eastern life, meet new people, discover new cultures and more get all the Dental care they need in a very good price. And thus the benefits of Dental tourism. Mouawad Dental Clinic is dedicated to providing Top Quality Dental Care at very Low Cost because of low labor and administrative costs in Lebanon.....

Packages include:
- Ticket
- Accomodation
- Transfers
- Tourist guide

Dental procedures fees may vary from patient to another..
Ask for our Dental Tourist package... For more infos email-
Mouawad Dental Clinic is in collaboration with MWD Travel & Tourism...  

Sunday, July 17

My tooth is turning black

You might have noticed at a person, one tooth that is different from the others, it may have been darker and strange looking. The fact is that events associated with causing or treating tooth nerve tissue damage can result in gray or brown tooth discoloration. These events include traumatic incidents (an accident or fall) and root canal treatment. The stain only forms within those teeth (typically one or just a few) that have been directly affected by the event.

Teeth whose nerve tissue has degenerated (or have had root canal treatment so to treat this problem) often undergo a generalized darkening.
One theory explaining this phenomenon suggests that the staining effect is caused by the release of iron pigments from decomposing hemoglobin-containing red blood cells within the tooth. These iron compounds penetrate into the dentin layer of the tooth, thereby creating a staining effect.

Tooth trauma can cause tooth nerve degeneration, either on a brief or extended (years) time frame. The darkening of any individual tooth, especially one that has a history of trauma such as having been bumped in an accident, can indicate that there is a problem with the health of the nerve inside. For this reason, any individually darkened tooth should always be evaluated by a dentist keep that in mind.

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Saturday, July 16

Tips For Kid’s Dental Care In Summer

For all kids around the world, summer is the time for chocolates and lollipops, for cola and ice creams, for endless fun outdoors, and many other pleasant activities and foods. But we all know the outcome of this matter, the question is what are we to do about it??
Experts created a list for every today's mom and dad to take into account if they really care about their children's interest.

Let your child enjoy plenty of fresh fruit and veggies in summer, make your child drink less chemically manufactured juices and more natural made coolers.
Have a variety of ready vegetable salads and sliced fruit for your kid make your child choose healthy snacks instead of all those chips and chocolate bars.
Make your child eat special detergent foods on a regular basis, fruits as apples, carrots or pears, can work as a toothbrush: refresh and clean your child’s mouth after eating chocolate, candies and other sweet foods. The veggies and fruit rich in fiber can clean up food particles stored between child’s teeth, this way preventing tooth decay. Give your child such detergent foods after every meal.

Help your child develop a habit of using a fluoride mouthwash to reduce chances of tooth decay.

Allow your child using sugar-free chewing gums. Chewing for 10-15 minutes can help in cleaning the teeth, removing food particles, washing away dangerous dental bacteria and preventing tooth decay. Also it stimulates saliva production which balance the Ph in your mouth and keep the acid level low decreasing the risk of decay.

Do not forget about regular brushing. It is essential to develop this habit since the early childhood.

 Direct Link:

Thursday, July 14

Bad Breath

Ask yourself:
- Do people always seem to stand distances away from you during conversations?
- Does it seem like you're always the one guy or girl who can't quite "hit it off" with people, while everyone else seems to have no problems whatsoever?
- Is your bad breath making you lose your self-esteem, confidence or even happiness?

Understanding the causes of this situation is imperative for dealing with the problem and breaking through in treatments with success.
The Main causes of bad breath include:
1- Oral hygiene, Maintaining good oral health is essential in reducing bad breath. Use a good toothbrush, dental floss, interdental brushes and a toungue scraper to achieve the maximum cleaning of tooth and oral surfaces.

2- Foods you've eaten, Food you eat affects the air you exhale, especially foods with strong aromatic flavours like onions and garlic. Make sure to brush well afterwards and use mouthwashes to limit the effect of the odor.

3- Sinus infection and allergies, When you have a sinus infection, head cold or allergies, your sinuses will produce more mucous. As the extra mucous trickles down the back of your throat you’ll notice your breath is a bit fouler than usual.

4- Gum Disease, is a bacterial infection in the tissue surrounding the teeth.  People who suffer from gum disease are more prone to persistent bad breath because of the buildup of bacteria.

5- Dry mouth, occurs when the flow of saliva decreases in your mouth. Saliva is the body’s natural method of cleansing the mouth and removing food particles.

6- Smoking, Not only does smoking leave behind the tell-tale ashtray odour, the smoke actually affects the flow of saliva in the mouth, which causes dry mouth. Harmful chemicals found in cigarettes can also cause bad breath.

7- Untreated medical conditions, Persistent bad breath can be a sign of other serious health problems such as a respiratory tract infection, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes and gastrointestinal disorder.
8- Dentures, Good oral hygiene practices apply to dentures, just like natural teeth.
Finally, every situation demands special and specific care. But certain measures apply to all cases:
- Daily brushing, flossing, tongue scraping and weekly mouthwashing.
- Monthly check ups at the dentists.
- Limiting food that cause bad breath and limiting smoking.
- Exploring general health problems in case of healthy oral and dental tissues.

PS: All information and photos/pictures were extracted through web search.

Monday, July 11

Did you know??

Dentistry is stepping up into a new level of developpement nowadays and so many breakthroughs are being established with great success and results.
Cerec (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, or CEramic REConstruction) is a dental restoration product that allows a dental practitioner to produce an indirect ceramic dental restoration using a variety of computer assisted technologies, including 3D photography and CAD/CAM. With CEREC, teeth can be restored in a single sitting with the patient, rather than the multiple sittings required with earlier techniques.

What we Do in Mouawad Dental clinic

Mouawad Dental Clinic is specialized in restoring not only the function but also the Aesthetics that you may lack. Therefore a meticulous treatment planning will be customized according to every case and followed over a specific period of time to reach results that at some point you thought could not be reached.
Stay tuned for cases presentation on ...
Also Meet the doctors is coming soon....

Sunday, July 10

Wondering about whitening?

Teeth whitening has become more and more requested these days. What is known as teeth whitening actually refers to bleaching because what this treatment does is that it lighten the color of your teeth and depending of that basic color your teeth will look wighter and lighter.
In order to do so, several methods are used:
- your dentist can recommend a Home bleaching treatment
- A In Office treatment or a combined technique of both.

The Home Bleaching Technique is based on an impression taking step to make a clear tray that will act as a reservoir for the product.
The product contains either Carbamide peroxyde either hydrogen peroxyde which produce oxygen responsible for the whitening process inside the tooth structure.
The product is applied once a day for a period of half to 6 hours depending on the acting agent used.

The In Office technique acts as a Booster for the Home technique as it shows much faster results during the first session. Then a follow up with a Home technique is recommended.
This Technique is faster and easier but costs more. A light is often used to enhance the action of the product.

Remenber that it's your dentist's role to choose the suitable procedure...

Monday, January 24

Hollywood Smile

Porcelain Veneers have become an incredibly popular and easy way to correct and improve your smile. Veneers are a thin porcelain shell that is bonded to the surface of the tooth. They have an instant effect on the look of your smile. Tooth veneers can be used to cover teeth that are crooked, damaged, discolored, crowded teeth and can be even used to fill big gaps between teeth. Any imperfection can be corrected.

Imagine. In just a short time, you can have a dazzling Hollywood smile . . . a smile that's been designed just for you. A smile that is straight, white and even. You'll be looking younger and feeling more confident. And it's all possible. With porcelain veneers.

Thursday, January 20

Tooth Decay Prevention

Taking good care of your oral hygiene is crucial to prevent Decay as well as Gum disease.
The best way to do that is:
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste. Preferably, brush after each meal and especially before going to bed.

- Clean between your teeth daily with dental floss or inter-dental cleaners, such as the Oral-B Inter-dental Brush.

- Eat nutritious and balanced meals and limit snacks. Avoid carbohydrates such as candy, pretzels and chips, which can remain on the tooth surface. If sticky foods are eaten, brush your teeth soon afterwards.

- Check with your dentist about use of supplemental fluoride, which strengthens your teeth.

- Ask your dentist about dental sealants (a plastic protective coating) applied to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth (molars) to protect them from decay.

- Drink fluoridated water. At least a pint of fluoridated water each day is needed to protect children from tooth decay.

-Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and oral exam.

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Monday, January 17


Dental caries are a disease where bacterial processes damage hard tooth structures leading to their breakdown.

This is due to multiple factors:
- Tooth surface
- Caries-causing bacteria
- Fermentable carbohydrates
- And Time.
Meaning when you eat, bacteria present in your mouth use carbs to fabricate acids responsible for the breakdown of the hard structures of the teeth and this process takes a certain time to reach a level where the decay is visible to the eye. Solution???


According to Wikipedia- the free encyclopedia,Teeth (singular tooth) are small, calcified, whitish structures found in the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates that are used to break down food.
Teeth have to be very hard to withstand all the chewing and crunching of food. The hard material of the tooth is composed of calcium, phosphorus, and other mineral salts. 

We have four different types of teeth, each with a different function:

  • Incisors for cutting off bites of food.

  • Cuspids (sometimes called canines because of their long sharp points) for tearing food

  • Bicuspids (with two points) to tear and crush food

  • Molars with large relatively flat surfaces to crush and grind food.

  • The structures of the teeth can be damaged by infectious disease called Caries. What are Caries also known as Decay???